Shipping costs to New Zealand: 

up to 5 kilogram - 47,99 EUR
up to 10 kilogram - 67,99 EUR
up to 20 kilogram - 88,99 EUR
up to 31 kilogram - 117,99 EUR

The current exchange rate in NZD is calculated.

Payment methods
Prepayment by bank transfer
Payment by credit card

Further details on payment:
Prepayment by bank transfer

In the order confirmation that you receive by email, you will find the total amount of the goods you have ordered and our account details. Transfer the total amount to the specified account and state your name and order number. Once the total amount has been received in our account, the goods will be dispatched. If no money is received 14 days after ordering, your order will be cancelled at no additional cost.

Payment by credit card - VISA, Master Card, American Express

Pay conveniently and securely by credit card. Our payment service provider for payment by credit card is PayPal. Select PayPal as your payment method in our ordering process. After completing the order, you will be taken to the PayPal page and click on "Don't have a PayPal account?" You will now be taken to the payment by credit card. Please fill in all required fields. Complete the process by clicking on the Next button at the end. You will then receive a confirmation email about the payment made.

The shipping costs can only be calculated once the item is in the basket.